DVI003 V05A A post
  • Project: Fitzroy Gasworks

  • Location: Fitzroy

  • Client: Development Victoria

Project Description

We’re passionate about delivering new neighbourhoods in our city, so we were honoured to be invited by Development Victoria to stitch the historical Fitzroy Gasworks site into this vibrant pocket of inner Melbourne.  


On Wurundjeri land, where mudstone meets basalt and grassy woodland once made its way down to the Merri, this 3.9ha former industrial site had once played an integral role in suppling gas to Melbourne. 


MGS’ task was to define the overarching vision for the new precinct, charting the development’s ambitions and opportunities. Our approach navigates the complex infrastructure, amenity and planning requirements of this tricky site bordered by Smith Streets and Alexandra and Queens Parades.  


We created a Development Plan and Urban Design Guidelines to give development partners direction yet flexibility to enable diverse responses within a coordinated approach. 


Our vision proposes an integrated, sustainable, whole-of-site new community incorporating the new public high school and a multi-use sports centre, 1200 apartments – with 20% affordable, build-to-rent – and 8% public open space. 


The site is carved into three permeable courtyard blocks reflecting the urban richness of adjacent neighbourhoods: Leafy, green Clifton Hill and Fitzroy North; gritty Collingwood; and Fitzroy, with its pops of colour and concrete.  


Ensuring life between buildings is rich and vital, we consolidated all carparking underground, prioritising walk, play, greenery, seating and cycling. Programmed ground floor uses encourage activation and a vibrant and creative precinct. Shared internal courtyards maximise solar access and a variety of building heights break down scale. Two key pedestrian-prioritised thoroughfares tie the new neighbourhood into the existing urban fabric, with a new mid-point tramstop along Smith Street delivering residents a short walk from home.  


Targeting Green Star – Communities National Framework Certification, the project adheres to a rigorous and holistic rating across five impact categories: Governance, liveability, economic prosperity, environment and innovation.  


The Fitzroy Gasworks Development Plan has just finalised community consultation and will now go to the Minister for Planning for approval. 


Contact MGS’ Katherine Sundermann, Associate Director or Rob McGauran, Director, for more information.  


The Urban Developer: High School, 1100 Apartments Planned for Fitzroy Gasworks 

Development Victoria: Fitzroy Gasworks 



Development Victoria 

Aspect Landscape Architects 

Ethos Urban 

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