Wyndham_Strategic Framework-01 no legend
  • Project: Wyndham Activity Centre Framework

  • Location: Melbourne, Victoria

  • Client: City of Wyndham

Project Description

To plan for a network of activity centres that are productive, liveable, and vibrant, the City of Wyndham engaged SGS Economics and MGS Architects to deliver an Activity Centre Framework that would assist Council in ongoing planning and management across the municipality.


The resulting urban design component outlines a multi-scalar approach that considers the ongoing development of the municipality’s activity centres. It recognises the distinctive aspects of each centre, considering location within broader strategic regions and relationship to landscape and active transport corridors. Each centre’s potential to support future change is based upon its spatial layout and the proposed regionally based frameworks provide strategic focus and authentic character. Typologically based strategies account for hybrids of spatial configuration types and guide the development of each centre.



City of Wyndham

SGS Economics and Planning

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